Adversity 2 Advocacy, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization; and to help fund A2A’s operations, we are gratefully accepting donations. To make a donation, please use the “Make a Donation” button below.
Alternatively, you can print this page, provide the requested information, & follow the below check-writing and mailing instructions.
Please know how very much we appreciate your support!
To donate by mail, please provide the following information:
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Your tax-deductible donation receipt will be sent to the above address unless otherwise requested.
Please Note:
Checks should be made payable to Adversity 2 Advocacy, Inc.
Please mail your check, along with this form, to:
The Adversity 2 Advocacy Alliance
PO Box 593
Benicia, CA 94510
Thank you for your generous support and, even more, for your belief in our vision.