by A2A Alliance | Jan 24, 2018 | A2A Spotlight, SL, Spotlight
A2A Spotlight feature on Jackie Zimmerman as heard on KCBS and other CBS Radio News affiliates A2A Alliance founder Jeff Bell spotlights Girls with Guts founder Jackie Zimmerman and her work to empower women with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. To learn more about...
by A2A Alliance | Jan 10, 2018 | A2A Spotlight, SL, Spotlight
A2A Spotlight feature on Sarina Prabasi as heard on KCBS and other CBS Radio News affiliates A2A Alliance founder Jeff Bell spotlights WaterAid America CEO Sarina Prabasi and her work to help everyone in the world have access to clean water and sanitation. To...
by A2A Alliance | Dec 14, 2017 | A2A Spotlight, SL, Spotlight
A2A Spotlight feature on Liz Helms as heard on KCBS and other CBS Radio News affiliates A2A Spotlight · Liz Helms A2A Alliance founder Jeff Bell spotlights TMJ survivor and healthcare advocate Liz Helms To learn more about My Patient Rights, please click HERE and for...
by A2A Alliance | Dec 12, 2017 | A2A Spotlight, SL, Spotlight
A2A Spotlight feature on Arthur Renowitzky as heard on KCBS and other CBS Radio News affiliates A2A Spotlight · Arthur Renowitzky A2A Alliance founder Jeff Bell spotlights spinal cord injury survivor and advocate Arthur Renowitzky. To learn more about Arthur’s...
by A2A Alliance | Nov 19, 2017 | A2A Spotlight, SL, Spotlight
A2A Spotlight feature on Dr. Cheri Blauwet as heard on KCBS and other CBS Radio News affiliates A2A Spotlight · Dr. Cheri Blauwet A2A Alliance founder Jeff Bell spotlights seven-time Paralympic medalist Dr. Cheri Blauwet and her efforts to makes sports accessible to...
by A2A Alliance | Oct 26, 2017 | A2A Spotlight, SL, Spotlight
A2A Spotlight feature on Taylor Ducan as heard on KCBS and other CBS Radio News affiliates A2A Alliance founder Jeff Bell spotlights Taylor Duncan, founder of the Alternative Baseball Organization and his efforts to help teens and adults with autism and special...