About A2A

Our Mission

The Adversity 2 Advocacy Alliance is an all volunteer 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting and fostering the power of turning personal challenges into service to others with similar challenges. To this end, A2A has three primary objectives: (1) Network and support inspiring individuals who have turned adversity into advocacy; (2) Provide pathways to advocacy for anyone facing adversity; and (3) Showcase the proven power of turning adversity into advocacy.

What We’re About

Adversity comes in many shapes and sizes—from life-threatening illnesses, to mental health challenges, to countless other forms and degrees of personal hardship.  It can center on one’s own struggles or those of another.  And its duration can range from days to years.

While the means of addressing adversity are every bit as varied as its many forms, there is one approach that’s been shown, again and again, to amplify the benefits of all the rest.  It taps the wisdom of the age-old adage that we help ourselves by helping others, and it is supported by a growing body of empirical evidence.  This approach is simply that of turning one’s personal challenges into service to others with similar challenges, and it’s available to anyone battling any form of adversity. Unfortunately, far too few people facing adversity are aware of the life-changing power of this A2A process–despite growing media coverage and a current boom in research into such topics as altruism, empathy, and sense of purpose.  And for those who do recognize the potential that personal advocacy offers as a means of dealing with adversity, another roadblock far too frequently awaits them: access to service opportunities.

That’s where Adversity 2 Advocacy fits in. With your help, we aim to fill these voids through a web-based collection of inspiring stories, educational material, and advocacy opportunities for individuals: (a) facing mental, physical, or other life challenges; and (b) looking for ways to be of service to others with similar challenges.