A2A’s Advocacy Resource Centers (ARCs) aim to serve as adversity specific hubs for adversity survivors looking to step into advocacy. While our ARC program is still under development, ultimately each of our ARCS will offer users a variety of resources ranging from inspiring stories, to educational information, to specific advocacy opportunities available through our A2A ally organizations.

Meet all of our A2A Advocates


Liz McIngvale

Liz McIngvale

Liz McIngvale Adversity: Diagnosed with severe OCD in her teens Advocacy: Created Peace of Mind Foundation to support others with OCD ...

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Clint Malarchuk

Clint Malarchuk

Clint Malarchuk Adversity: Diagnoses of depression and PTSD Advocacy: Working to eliminate the stigma of mental illness. "Speaking honestly about my battles is almost like a nationwide support group for me. It gives me fuel to keep moving forward and to...

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The Sugermans

The Sugermans

Mike & Janice Sugerman Adversity: Paralysis Advocacy: Sharing their stories to help other families "We didn’t choose advocacy. Advocacy chose us. We wrote a Facebook entry about Mike’s recent paralysis and got 500 responses about how brave we were to...

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Dr. Zachary Burton

Dr. Zachary Burton

Dr. Zachary Burton Adversity: Diagnosed with bipolar I disorder with psychosis Advocacy: Co-founded and leads The Manic Monologues to disrupt stigma; serves with various mental health nonprofits "We lean on the brutally and beautifully unashamed, raw power...

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Chrissie Hodges

Chrissie Hodges

Chrissie Hodges Adversity: Undiagnosed OCD Advocacy: Pure OCD Advocate "I started my advocacy to help others know they are not alone and recovery is possible for Pure OCD. Little did I know by hearing other's stories, struggles, and seeing their resiliency...

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Leeza Gibbons

Leeza Gibbons

Leeza Gibbons Adversity: Lost her mother and grandmother to Alzheimer's disease Advocacy: Has become a leading voice in the movement to create a world without Alzheimer's "I got drafted into serving on the front lines of Alzheimer's advocacy, but now I see...

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Ann Graham

Ann Graham

Ann Graham Adversity: Cancer diagnosis Advocacy: Founded a nonprofit to serve pediatric cancer patients "I used to think that everything happens for a reason, until I saw children dying of cancer. Cancer was my best teacher and ultimately, a saving grace. I...

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Chris Downey

Chris Downey

Chris Downey Adversity: Lost his sight due to a brain tumor Advocacy: Became an accessibility design expert and advocate for the blind "As an architect without sight, I endeavor to build bridges across the visual divide while removing ill-conceived walls...

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Stephanie Snow Gebel

Stephanie Snow Gebel

Stephanie Snow Gebel Adversity: Daughter diagnosed with Wolfram syndrome Advocacy: Founded The Snow Foundation to fund trials, provide support and resources "My greatest priority is to be a strong voice for rare disease and to provide hope for my daughter,...

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Barbara Claypole White

Barbara Claypole White

Barbara Claypole White Adversity: Son diagnosed with OCD at age 8 Advocacy: Uses fiction writing and blogging to provide hope to those with OCD "Readers often say, ‘I’ve never told anyone this before…’ And the book clubs I visit turn into therapy. People...

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Brad Bulla

Brad Bulla

Brad Bulla Adversity: Son died in a drunk driving accident where he was the passenger Educates others about drunk driving and advocates for violent crime victims "By sharing my story, perhaps I can make a statistic come to life and touch someone’s heart. If...

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Kelly Brush

Kelly Brush

Kelly Brush Adversity: Paralysis Advocacy: Started a foundation to provide adaptive sports equipment and increase safety in ski racing, the sport in which she was injured "Through participating in adaptive sports after my injury, I proved to myself that...

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Dr. Jennifer Jo Brout

Dr. Jennifer Jo Brout

Dr. Jennifer Jo Kanter-Brout Adversity: Misophonia/Sensory Processing Disorder Advocacy: Advocates for research and improved diagnosis for those with Sensory Over-Responsivity (a subtype of sensory processing disorder) and Misophonia. "Affecting change...

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Dr BJ Miller

Dr BJ Miller

BJ Miller Adversity: Triple amputee, near-death experience Advocacy: Provides palliative care to patients living and suffering with serious illness "With my dramatic adversity comes the possibility for dramatic joy. Sharing this with others makes sweet of...

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Becky Fein

Becky Fein

Becky Fein Adversity: Sexual assault Advocacy: Co-founder and director of The Powerful Voices Project; Executive Director, Verity (Sonoma County’s Sexual Assault Prevention, Intervention, and Healing Center) "Talking about my experience of sexual assault...

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Vic Ojakian

Vic Ojakian

Vic Ojakian Adversity: Loss of son to suicide Advocacy: Suicide prevention and mental health awareness activist "I love and miss my son, Adam. I channel those emotions and feelings into a determination to help others seek solutions other than killing...

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Woody Weingarten

Woody Weingarten

Woody Weingarten Adversity: Wife diagnosed with breast cancer 30 years ago, now fighting her third bout Advocacy: Book author, blogger and leader of breast cancer caregiver support group "Writing the book gave me the chance to show others going through the...

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Rebecca Alexander

Rebecca Alexander

Rebecca Alexander Adversity: Usher Syndrome (visual and hearing impairment) Advocacy: Has become the “poster child” for Usher Syndrome. "I realized I was willing to be the poster child for this disease because I wanted to raise awareness about this....

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Holly Wright

Holly Wright

Holly Wright Adversity: Lost her daughter to pediatric brain cancer Advocacy: Established a foundation to financially support families nationwide who are caring for children with brain cancer "Since my daughter's passing, I have found healing in helping...

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April Rovero

April Rovero

April Rovero Adversity: Lost a child to prescription drug use Advocacy: Founded a nonprofit to raise awareness of prescription drug safety "Every parent who has lost a child worries that, as time goes on, they will be forgotten and they want their lives to...

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David Flink

David Flink

David Flink Adversity: Learning disabilities – ADHD and dyslexia Advocacy: Started a national mentoring program for youth with learning disabilities “Mentoring has become a platform that allows people with learning differences to have our stories be seen...

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Ro Vitale

Ro Vitale

Ro Vitale Adversity: Diagnosed with severe OCD Advocacy: Speaks, writes and sings in English and Spanish to support others with OCD Photo by: Santiago Giovanetti “There’s much beauty in being of service to someone that’s battling the same adversity....

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Melody Moezzi

Melody Moezzi

Melody Moezzi Adversity: Diagnosed with bipolar disorder Advocacy: Works to reduce the stigma of mental illness as an author, blogger, speaker “The more I speak out and the more extraordinary people I meet who are living with mental illness, the more I...

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Katherine Switz

Katherine Switz

Katherine Switz Adversity: Diagnosed with Bipolar I Advocacy: Started a nonprofit that recruits community leaders to talk about their mental illness “It’s empowering to come out of the shadows. It’s great to see our impact on leaders and their impact on...

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Jonny Imerman

Jonny Imerman

Jonny Imerman Adversity: Diagnosed with testicular cancer at age 26. Advocacy: Founded Imerman Angels to support people affected by cancer. “You start out in the beginning to help other people because it’s important with the short life we live. But...

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Rabbi Elimelech Goldberg

Rabbi Elimelech Goldberg

Rabbi Elimelech Goldberg Adversity: Lost his young daughter to Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia Advocacy: Founded Kids Kicking Cancer to teach cancer-stricken children the healing themes of martial arts "When people have a sense of purpose, they have control,...

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Scott Fedor

Scott Fedor

Scott Fedor Adversity: Paralyzed from the neck down after a diving accident Advocacy: Founded Getting Back Up for others with spinal cord injuries "I draw so much strength from seeing how helping someone improves their life. … In a weird way, had this not...

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Chris Trondsen

Chris Trondsen

Chris Trondsen Adversity: Battled Body Dysmorphic Disorder and OCD Advocacy: Became a mental health advocate and clinician to help others with similar challenges “Helping others keeps me on my toes. I can’t talk about, ‘Hey, you should not give into your...

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Sarah Allen Benton

Sarah Allen Benton

Sarah Allen Benton Adversity: Sober from alcohol since 2004 Advocacy: Works with others struggling with addiction "Advocacy reinforces that I need to continue to work on bettering myself and committing to my own recovery. If I'm not sober, I can't be of...

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Jeff Bell

Jeff Bell

We Help Ourselves by Helping Others Adversity: Battled severe and debilitating OCD Advocacy: Became a national spokesman for OCD and cofounded A2A "For me, adversity-driven advocacy offers the ultimate Greater Good...

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Patti Lowery

Patti Lowery

Patti Lowery Adversity: Son and daughter both have OCD Advocacy: Co-founded Adversity 2 Advocacy and provides support for parents of children with OCD “When I see that I’ve helped someone it just lifts my spirits. I feel like I now have a focus in life, a...

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Stephen Puibello

Stephen Puibello

Stephen Puibello Adversity: Diagnosed with HIV and bipolar disorder in 1996 Advocacy: Became a mental health and HIV awareness advocate In 1996, just two months...

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Mary Nicholson

Mary Nicholson

Mary Nicholson Adversity: Suffered stroke & brain aneurysm in 2003 Advocacy: Founded Healings in Motion to support Northern California stroke victims "For me to be able to help other people... it has given me joy again. It has given me a sense of...

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Denis Asselin

Denis Asselin

Denis Asselin Adversity: Lost Son, Nathaniel, who battled severe Body Dysmorphic Disorder Advocacy: Walked more than 500 miles, raising awareness about BDD "I felt as if walking was a way of pushing out the energy in a positive way – using the power of...

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Shannon Shy

Shannon Shy

Shannon Shy Adversity: Battled OCD while on active duty with the U.S. Marine Corps Advocacy: Published his OCD recovery story in “It’ll be Okay” “It has been extremely rewarding and very therapeutic trying to help other people. Maybe that’s the reason my...

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Reverend Bill Hassel

Reverend Bill Hassel

Pastor Bill Hassel Adversity: Diagnosed with ALS in 2008 Advocacy: Founded the 5K Stroll, Roll ’n’ Run for ALS Research “No one knows or controls what life throws at you; with God's help, you can handle it and do something positive in spite of it.”...

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Corey Reich

Corey Reich

Corey Reich Adversity: Diagnosed with ALS in 2007 Advocacy: Founded "Corey's Crusade" to give voice to ALS sufferers "I never really thought about NOT sharing my story. It never even crossed my mind that I wouldn’t go out and try to do everything that I...

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Robert Villanueva

Robert Villanueva

Robert Villanueva Adversity: Diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2001 Advocacy: Became national speaker & trainer for The National Alliance on Mental Illness "I see change. People grow. It helps me flourish. It...

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